6 Ways to Save Money on Your Electricity Bill This Summer (Part 1)

Sakera Patel S

Summer is here, and that means it’s time to save money on your electricity bill! If you’re worried about your electricity bill in the summer, it might be time to take matters into your own hands.

And what if I told you that you don’t have to sacrifice the comfort of your home or give up the appliances that make life easier; you just need to take some easy steps to save money on your electricity bill in summer and during the rest of the year, too.

Here are six ways to help you cut down on how much you spend on electric bills so you can put more money in your pocket and make your money stretch further in these tough economic times.

1. Invest in Energy Efficient Appliances

You can significantly reduce your electricity bills by swapping out old appliances with Energy Star models. And while you’re at it, make sure they’re appropriately sized for your home: A large refrigerator uses a lot more energy than a small one and using too large an air conditioner or dehumidifier can cause it to run longer and harder—and that costs you extra.

Invest in ENERGY STAR equipment like LED light bulbs, power strips, fans, and refrigerators to reduce energy use across your home during the summertime.

2. Use Natural Ventilation

Fans and air conditioning units cool you down by moving air around. But they actually create more heat than they move out, making your home hotter than it needs to be. Turn off your AC or ceiling fans when you leave a room and let natural ventilation do its job.

If there’s no cross-breeze, open up windows on opposite sides of your house to make sure hot air doesn’t collect in one place. Also, consider installing attic and whole-house fans which can pull hot air out of your house.

3. Clean AC Vents and Units From Time to Time

One of the simplest but most effective ways to reduce your electricity bill is to make sure that your AC vents and units are clean. Over time, dust, debris, dead bugs, leaves, and other unwanted particles can accumulate on your AC unit’s cooling coils and interior components.

Allowing these things to stay on your AC means that it won’t be as efficient at cooling your home as it could be. At worst, a clogged or dirty AC could break down completely.

Make sure you take time each month (and a pair of gloves!) to clean out your air conditioner’s vent and coils; it’ll lower your power bill by reducing how much electricity it uses! 

4. Turn Off the Appliances and Devices When Not Needed

Whether it’s turning off your lights when you leave a room or unplugging your appliances at night, there are lots of small things you can do to save money on your electricity bill. For example, we all have a habit of leaving our phone chargers plugged in even after they’re done charging.

To reduce your electricity bill, simply unplug them! It might seem insignificant, but with several small changes like these, you’ll start saving a lot over time.

5. Use Blinds and Drapes to Block Out the Sun

During the summer months, it’s almost impossible to beat those brutal summer heatwaves. Of course, keeping your air conditioner running constantly isn’t a cheap solution either. In fact, if you’re not careful with your A/C settings and habits, you could end up paying a lot more for electricity than usual!

An easy solution is to block out as much of that summer sun as possible by using window coverings. You can choose to use drapes or blinds or both – whatever works best for your home and saves you money in return.

6. Set the Default Temperature

If you’re lucky enough to be able to set your thermostat at a slightly lower temperature during the summer months, do it. Set it to 24 degrees Celsius or higher when you’re home. You can save up to 5% on cooling costs by doing so.

Remember that lowering or raising your thermostat even five degrees for eight hours a day, four days a week will make all of the difference in how much money you spend in total on electricity!

In Summary

Bringing down your electricity bill during summer can be tricky. Here are some tips to help you reduce your monthly costs, as well as a few actionable things you can do right now.

If you’re serious about saving money on your electricity bill, it’s worth consulting an expert or doing more research into how much electricity costs in your area and which energy sources are most affordable (for example, solar panels).

It might also make sense to purchase a smart thermostat that will automatically adjust itself based on real-time pricing data.

But even before going too advanced with all of that stuff, there are still a few things you can do today to bring down your electricity costs. You just need to get informed first!

If you still need further clarification, contact info@roodland.com. The experts at Roodland will take care of the doubts and put you at ease!


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