How Storytelling Can Increase Sales?

Kishan Thakkar K

“People buy stories, not stuff, and it’s stories that spread, not stuff.”

Seth Godin, marketing expert

Once upon a time, real estate listings were bloodless facts about the number of bedrooms, square footage, and amenities like a lap pool and flat backyard. Today, experienced agents are putting on their writers’ caps and telling compelling stories about properties for sale, and using storytelling to help sell a house.

From cradle to grave, people love stories, and that doesn’t change when they search for a property to buy or rent. Pretty pictures and the right price might lure a shopper to a listing, but a well-written narrative, which helps a looker imagine him- or herself living there, can be the hook that reels in a buyer.

The moment you hear the term storytelling, your mind will generate the scenarios. People love to hear stories and experience exciting situations and events in their comfort. Storytelling makes it easy to memorize the information since the stories follow the proper sequence.

How Can You Wield the Profitable Power of Storytelling in Your Real Estate Business?

  1. Identify the story behind the home. 
  2. Paint a picture for the buyer.
  3. Evoke emotion. 
  4. Use the power of “good vs. evil.”

“The more people who see it, the more likely it will sell.”

Instead of trying to sell every detail of the home, choose ONE feeling or concept you want the buyer to connect with and define three key elements to communicate that feeling or concept.

The Human Brain on Storytelling

  • Dopamine – When the brain experiences an emotionally charged event, it releases dopamine into the system.
  • Neural Coupling – When listeners hear stories, they activate the part of their brains that helps them apply the ideas in the story to their own.
  • Cortex Activity – Only two parts of the brain are used when processing facts, but five parts are used when processing stories.

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